Monday, February 18, 2008

You Are Important

Even after seven revolutions in eight years,

There's barely been sufficient corruption

To deem it a legitimate government,

Let alone a President's Day Mattress Sale.

I transferred from state-sponsored media

To media-sponsored state.

But the jury is still out,

And they're never coming back,


Our flag is always in the top five of

Favorite flags of the world,

Although the silhouetted mountain was

Long ago eviscerated by ore--, mineral--,

And precious metal--sucking technology,

And rises now, a reeking, smoldering

Garbage dump infested by all manner of mattress,

Box spring, syringe and hazmat bag.


"You Are Important. Your Vote Counts."

The Registrar of Voters says so.

Being important means more to me than

Whether my vote counts.

Being important is the next best thing

To being famous, and

Being famous is the most important thing in the world,

Vote or no vote, flag or no flag, jury or no jury.


Election Day and the Day of the Dead coincide:

Sugar skulls everywhere.

Never seen a corpse do handstands before?

Just a bunch of over-idealistic rich kids.

There's no need to appeal to the international community,

No need for human rights watchdogs to fly in

As part of an election monitoring mechanism.

We'll keep the bar open until a winner has been declared.


(from "Born to Lens" (2007) by Randy Stark)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Clemens Rockets Away

After testifying before Congress regarding use/non-use of steriods, Roger Clemens flew to Vienna where he was the keynote speaker at a United Nations conference on how to end human trafficking. The Rocket was then whisked to Caracas where he joined a group of celebrities, including Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, protesting Venezeula's ban on singer Alejandoro Sanz. The Spanish crooner apparently made an untoward remark concerning Presidente Chavez, and the big Texas fireballer wanted to help bring the two sides together. I predict Clemens will become the first Nobel Peace Prize winning American Leaguer.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Today’s Forecast: Continued Warm

Now two of his ex-wives are after me, or my name isn't Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

If you outlaw tamales, only outlaws will have tamales.

It started a week ago Friday, about San Ardo, heading north on 101.
The time was 8 p.m. It was dark. Shostakovich's Tenth on the sound system, bass to the max.

Past San Lucas, paralleling the Salinas River,

King City is where we'd stop.
That was King City we just passed.
We didn't stop in King City.

We didn't stop in Greenfield.

And we didn't stop in Soledad.

We stopped on the southern edge of Salinas.

We couldn't take it any more.

Another evening in Steinbeck Country

Violence is a by-product of organization.

The ballet destroyed us,
And the last quarter of the Super Bowl
Ground up the ashes.

Monday I drove home

To Santa Barbara from San Francisco

Tuesday I voted
Super Tuesday
Mardi Gras
Fat Tuesday

Santa Barbara County made NFL history by going for Obama.
I've never been prouder of my county
Although why the polling place was at the
Methodist Church instead of the Unitarian Church
This year I don't know.

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday
And I saw a lot of
The Practicing.

That being said, Thursday was lunar New Year
I celebrated in Santa Barbara's ½-block-long Chinatown
And longed for Little Saigon.
But instead the space shuttle Atlantis launched.
Friday I was lucky to be able to walk.

"Shaking Up the Whole Game" the book should be available this spring.